Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Become As Little Children

Isn't he just adorable? The kid has some talent and it looks like he's definitely practiced a lot! He has it down perfectly and I would love it if he conducted one of my orchestras! 

There are some people are who just born with talent. We often refer to them as prodigies. 

As children under the age of 18, a prodigy is someone who displays talent in music that makes them competitive with skilled adult musicians. They have provided us with some of the best music out there and have made so many contributions to society as they used their creativity to create great works of art. 

In regards to classical music, you would often think of:

But something new that I have never thought of are modern day prodigies. People such as:
Taylor Swift
Michael Jackson
Charlotte Church
Stevie Wonder
Yo Yo Ma

It's amazing the power that our mind has and the ability we have to develop such great talents at such a young age. There will continue to be musical prodigies and it's always exciting to see new stars arise. 

Another thing is that in addition to the skill that just comes naturally, these prodigies have lots of help along the way. There are so many great teachers and mentors out there who put so much time and effort into helping such talent children to reach their potential and perform to the best of their ability. 

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