Friday, March 23, 2012

What Do You Think?

I firmly believe that music has influence in each and every one of our lives. I've focused on my opinion this whole blog and was curious what others thought. I asked some friends and family what music means to them and how it's made an impact in their life. Many of them noted how easy it is to connect with music but I think that music also helps us connect with each other. I hope you find this enjoyable and that you can relate with these thoughts as well.

"I grew up around music. My brothers are in a barbershop quartet together. I remember us getting together and singing around the piano. I was in orchestra and musicals when I was younger. I think the biggest thing is that it gave us a sense of unity. It brings my family closer together. I also love soundtracks. Oftentimes they are so epic like Harry Potter or Star Wars. Music makes your heart soar."
Julianna Pace

"Music always brings up past memories. There's just some songs that whenever you listen to them you'll always think of the same experience, like a high school dance or something you did with your friends."
Beth Calderwood

"Music is easy to relate to, I can always find something that explains how I feel. It also affects my mood."
Tyler Shaw

"Hymns have honestly changed my life. Especially this year. Every time I go tunnel singing or the choir sings in Sacrament I cry every time because the spirit is so strong. Especially when we sing about Christ"
Cole Gardner

"Music can impact how I feel a lot. Through music (if it's good) I can feel the spirit easily. I am usually always listening to some type of music because it just makes me excited and happy"
Kara Barton

"I feel that certain, wholesome music is a form of worship that brings and helps me to feel the spirit while teaching gospel lessons"
Ben Harvey

"Music is a powerful memory making tool. Music can transport you to whatever memory you associate with it. It evokes emotions in all different levels. It's amazing how our emotions can change with a song. You can go from feeling sad to super excited."
Becki Blackner

"Music is one of the most important things in my life, it helps me to relieve frustrations, I mean there are no laws against abusing pianos, and it is just so large in my life, there aren't a whole lot of moments that music not being played around me"
Koa Fisher

"Music has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember. My parents and grandparents instilled the love of music in me as it filled our home and brought us together in so many different ways. I played the violin, viola, and piano when I was younger and I have continued to develop my piano skills as best I can. I also love to sing and have participated in choirs whenever I have the opportunity. I turn to music in all aspects of my life, whether I'm happy, upset, excited, sad, etc. Music is a powerful thing and I believe it can change people's lives. Music is especially powerful when it is accompanied with the spirit. I love the hymns and various church music we have access to. They definitely touch my spirit and strengthen my testimony when I listen. I am so grateful for the influence and presence of music in my life."
Greta Lybbert

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