Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's No Business Like Show Business

The costumes, the scenery, the makeup, the props 
The audience that lifts you when you're down 

The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops 
The sheriff who escorts you out of town

The opening when your heart beats like a drum
The closing when the customers won't come 

There's no business like show business 
Like no business I know 
Everything about it is appealing 
Everything the traffic will allow 
No where could you have that happy feeling 
When you aren't stealing that extra bow 

There's no people like show people 
They smile when they are low 
Yesterday they told you you would not go far 
That night you opened and there you are 
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star 
Let's go on with the show 

The music, the spotlights, the people, the towns 
Your baggage with the labels pasted on 

There's no business like show business 
If you tell me it's so 
Traveling through the country is so thrilling 
Standing out in front on opening nights 
Smiling as you watch the benches filling 
And see your billing up there in lights 

There's no people like show people 
They smile when they are low 
Even with a turkey that you know will fold 
You may be stranded out in the cold 
Still you wouldn't trade it for a sack o' gold 
Let's go on with the show! 

Oh what perfect lyrics to describe Broadway! I love everything about it and wish i had endless amounts of money to go see all the great shows. Or I wish I lived in NYC where I could waltz through the streets of the theater. It would be a dream come true. The next few days on this blog I'm going to highlight some of my favorite musicals that I've seen on stage. So many wonderful lyrics, dancing, costumes, and effects. I come out of every production literally in awe. And being both a performer and a spectator, I have a different perspective which makes it so much more fun! As much as I love being on the stage, sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax, and enjoy a good show!

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