Saturday, March 3, 2012

Families Are Together Forever

As I've mentioned before, music is a blessing. I had the opportunity to play the violin at both of my grandpa's funerals. Now it's obviously not an event you look forward to, but I felt really lucky to be able to show my love for them through music.

About two years ago, the day after Christmas, my family drove down to Utah. It was so cold and snowy! A lot different from this winter. Apparently my Grandpa T loved the song, Meditation from Thais. There was a girl in his ward, an amazing violinist who went to Julliard, that he wanted to play it. However she couldn't make it so the day before the funeral, I practiced, practiced, practiced to get ready to play. I'm sure it wasn't as great as it could've been if I had more time, but I was grateful I had the chance to play it! When I returned home, I worked on it with my violin teacher and got to the point where it was easy to add emotion into it. Now it's one of my favorite songs too and it's nice that I can share that with my grandpa.

A year and a half ago, Grandpa Blackner passed away. I feel like our whole family became a lot closer during this time which was really cool. Since we live so close to grandma and grandpa, it was really hard on everyone. At his funeral, Jayme sang Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide which Aunt Kim and I accompanied her on the piano and violin. The Spirit was so strong during this song and at one point, my eyes got so teary I could barely see through to read the music.

I'm so grateful for my grandpas and for the influence they've had in my life. I know that I will see them again and I'm grateful for that knowledge. Sometimes words we don't say can be expressed through music and I'm glad I could show them in some small way how much I care.

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