Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Start of a New Journey

This musical journey is coming to an end, a new one is just beginning. Throughout life, we have the opportunity to continue to learn and grow and become better. We are all blessed with so many talents and are commanded to use them and develop them and share them with others. I cannot imagine my life without music and am so grateful that I am blessed with this great talent. Throughout the course of this blog, we have explored so many different aspects of music and now it influences us each and every day. It's amazing how something so simple can have such a profound impact. Life without music would be deprived of excitement, entertainment, and most importantly, creativity. It allows individuals to be themselves, to express themselves, to invent, to explore, to find happiness. I honestly can't say enough good things about the great effects of music.

Matthew 5:14-16
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men lit a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

I thought this scripture perfectly illustrated the idea of using our talents and sharing our light and passions with others. God gave us talents for a reason and it is up to us to find purpose in our lives and develop the talents we've been given. A couple weeks ago, I was at a Relief Society Commemoration for my stake. One of the speakers made a perfect analogy between life and music. She talked about how we all have soul music, but some people die with their music still in them. It's important to share our music. It does not always come with ease and we have to be willing to practice. The Lord is our master musician and with his help we can perform any piece. It's also important to not compare ourselves to others because our music is all inspired from the same composer. In fact, I think we should all be working together to create this great music. Everyone bringing their soul music, or talents, and becoming one as we serve and love one another. We should all say to ourselves, "I know who I am, I have music in me by divine nature." I hope we never forget that thought and that it will be able to comfort us when we feel discouraged or feel no motivation to use our talents.

Last week, BYU had a music assembly in place of devotional. Kory Katseanes, the director of the orchestra, added some thoughts about music. He said that embedded in music are great truths. With music, it's possible to discern virtue without using any words. While listening to good music, you can feel the spirit. Music is a language that you do not need to study to understand, you just have to use your heart. He encouraged us to become life long seekers of truth. I LOVED that. Music does speak so much truth and I think that is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about it.

Here are some quotes about music and creativity that I have gathered throughout the years:
~If you have a song in your heart...then sing it!
~Don't just play the notes, make music
~Music and memory: Can there be a stronger amalgam weighing on the heart?
~We all die, the goal is not to live forever, but to create something that will
~The only way for a woman to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own
~Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world, it's your life, Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live
~Music is what feelings sound like
~The soul is like a violin string-it makes music only when it is being stretched - Elder Neal A. Maxwell

The Piano Shop on the Left Bank
~When he played, there was "magic in the air"
~The piano is clear, precise, perfect in the narrow sense of the term. But song lets me dream
~Legato: Here the melody is a river, not a lot of raindrops!
~It's almost as if you are breathing together and the music is your breath
~He might have been talking about all of life, not just music
~There is no such things as music note by note, just as there is no such thing as a book word by word. We have to accept that things are ambiguous

~Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination...And don't bother concealing your thievery- celebrate it if you feel like it. - Jim Jarmusch

I wanted to end with this quote because even though not everything on this 60 day blog is original, it means so much to me. It has helped shape who I am and gives an overview of the amazing experiences with music I've had in my life so far. I do celebrate this blog as a great work of art that stands as a collection of some of the finest aspects of music in this world. I do not consider it thievery, but more of a dedication to the many people who have created these great works. However, it is creativity on my part to appreciate such works and do share my memories and thoughts on the subject. Music is one of those simple things in life that makes it worth living. It adds so much brightness to my day and makes me feel complete. I know that music will be a huge part of my life forever and I encourage you to make it prevalent in your life as well. I hope you enjoyed this musical journey and that you will learn to find joy every note of the way.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Power of One

Some of my favorite songs have come from Especially For Youth. I would have to say this is the best youth camp in the world and I had the opportunity to go 4 years in a row! Someday I hope to be a counselor and provide younger teens with the same amazing experience I had.

The main reason why I love these songs is because I can relate to them so easily. They bring such a sweet spirit and teach many great truths.

There is a pattern with every single EFY CD:
1) song that illustrates the theme
2) song directed towards young women
3) song directed towards young men
4) piano or other instrumental song
5) an arrangement of a hymn

These songs prove that music has the power to change a life and can make all the difference in the world. These are those inspirational songs that make you want to go out and do something. They can help you feel peace, they can give you courage, they can affirm your testimony, they can testify of the truths that you want to know.

There truly is nothing like listening to wholesome music. In fact, there is oftentimes that I would prefer to listen to EFY music rather than some popular song on the radio. I love the good, positive feelings that accompany such music and the opportunity it gives me to reflect and feel peace in this ever changing, fast paced world. They are great songs that just make you feel good and are perfect for being used in church lessons and other devotionals.

I love knowing all the words to these songs and not have to worry about a bad word, or an inappropriate message. They are perfect for any occasion!

Here's a couple of my favorites, although it's definitely hard to choose!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

At the Beginning

I thought I would take a step back in time and write about nursery rhymes. They are a huge part of childhood and are some of the first songs that kids are exposed to. I truly believe that music should be a part of every child's life in any capacity and what better way than in the home. There's songs like the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that even have the same tune. I remember learning Rock A Bye Baby, Mary Had A Little Lamb, and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Nursery rhymes are so much fun to sing with little kids and are so entertaining! Countless rounds of Patty Cake and Little Piggies are sung as kids never get tired of hearing the same thing. I love interacting with little children and look forward to introducing my own children to music someday. I love how simple they are and that children are so innocent and free loving and easily entertained. They have so any great qualities and can bring so much happens to us and we realize what matters most.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Become As Little Children

Isn't he just adorable? The kid has some talent and it looks like he's definitely practiced a lot! He has it down perfectly and I would love it if he conducted one of my orchestras! 

There are some people are who just born with talent. We often refer to them as prodigies. 

As children under the age of 18, a prodigy is someone who displays talent in music that makes them competitive with skilled adult musicians. They have provided us with some of the best music out there and have made so many contributions to society as they used their creativity to create great works of art. 

In regards to classical music, you would often think of:

But something new that I have never thought of are modern day prodigies. People such as:
Taylor Swift
Michael Jackson
Charlotte Church
Stevie Wonder
Yo Yo Ma

It's amazing the power that our mind has and the ability we have to develop such great talents at such a young age. There will continue to be musical prodigies and it's always exciting to see new stars arise. 

Another thing is that in addition to the skill that just comes naturally, these prodigies have lots of help along the way. There are so many great teachers and mentors out there who put so much time and effort into helping such talent children to reach their potential and perform to the best of their ability. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fricky Fricky Fresh

I don't think fricky is even a word. And that proves my point exactly about this type of music...Rap. It breaks the rules and does whatever it wants. I don't think there's a limit to the possibilities as I'm sure every day there are people layin' down beats and breakin' out some rhyme. That is creativity right there.

spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics. can be broken down into different components such as content, flow, and delivery. it is a primary ingredient in hip hop and reggae music.

So there you have it.

Rap has become an important part of today's culture but is not always the most appropriate art you can find.  But let us take a short blast to the past to when it all started: the 1970's. One of the first is Rapper's Delight by The Sugarhill Gang.

Not really sure what happened in the 80's but it came in strong in the 90's with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Ice Ice Baby

And today it's everywhere. But a few highlighted artists are Lil' Wayne, Jay Z, Kanye West, and Eminem. Although I don't recommend listening to all of their music, there are some clean versions or other songs that can give you a taste of how rap music has evolved today. 

Many people often think of rap artists as being African American which is true, especially given that it started during block parties in the Bronx, but there are many white rappers as well. Which shows that our society has become more integrated and that things which may be signature to a certain culture, have become universal. 

Rap is definitely not my favorite genre of music but I thought it was important to address because it is a major part of our society and has become a focus of popular music today. I also think it's important to appreciate or recognize all types of music in regards to their creativity regardless of whether you spend your time listening to it or not.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Taste of Creativity

"Song writing is both an art and a craft: if you've got the craft without the art, it's boring, if you've got the art without the craft, people don't know what you're talking about. Conceive it, believe it, achieve it."
          -Mary Gautier

I appreciate composers so much because, without them, there would be no music. Their skill and dedication has changed the world and I guess the way we repay them is by playing and appreciating the music they write. Let me tell you, writing music is difficult! I honestly don't know how they do it, but they all have a vision. It seems as if music is always running through their head. Different melodies, plenty of ideas being formed and all they have to do is put it on paper and make it come to life. 

Composing may be the most creative part of music and so many composers are musical geniuses. They always find a way to do it better or come up with something new. They are never limited and their ability to be creative is limitless.

This week for extra credit in my music class we have the opportunity to do a little composing. There are a couple criteria and I honestly have no idea of where I'm going to begin! Let's hope that I can come up with something creative. I guess you never know what you can achieve until you try. And it's always good to stretch yourself and do things you're not extremely good at. That's the only way we learn, grow, and become better.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Compelled to Action

Have you ever heard a song that just completely changes your life? Music has the power to affect our emotions and truly make a difference in our lives. There are so many songs out there that are truly inspirational and lead people to act on how they feel. Many times it can happen at a benefit concert or at a religious event or in a wholesome movie.

Inspirational songs make you feel good and make you feel like there's hope in this dark world that seems to just be going downhill. It proves that there are still good things out there and that you can choose to make a difference.

There's two that come to my mind right now. One is a song about remembering 9/11. I just recently heard it and I really enjoyed it. This terrible event brought our country together and created a sense of nationalism as we mourned about the disaster. This song is called If I Had My Way and it really emphasizes the fact that life has the potential to be so great if people act in kindness and have faith and hope.

Another song I really enjoy is You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. It has such a positive message and leads people to bring others up and to be selfless. I aspire to be this type of person that puts other people above themselves and sees the potential that other people have. Everyone likes to feel special and feel like they can do anything they put their mind to and that's something I want to be able to do...make people feel good.

Pay attention to the inspirational songs in your life and see what you can do to take action and truly make a difference.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Every Newsie Shufflin'

I think it's been clear that I love musicals! I've grown up with them and they are something I thoroughly enjoy. One of these musicals is the Newsies! It's such a fun one! The point of this blog is creativity and there are definitely some very creative people out there. Music has changed dramatically over the years and today there is a huge focus on hip-hop and pop. So here's where the creativity comes in...

Take a dance in a classic musical such as Newsies and realize that the moves in the dance are almost completely in sync with a song that's a top hit on the radio. Who would have thought? Check out this awesome video:

Friday, March 23, 2012

What Do You Think?

I firmly believe that music has influence in each and every one of our lives. I've focused on my opinion this whole blog and was curious what others thought. I asked some friends and family what music means to them and how it's made an impact in their life. Many of them noted how easy it is to connect with music but I think that music also helps us connect with each other. I hope you find this enjoyable and that you can relate with these thoughts as well.

"I grew up around music. My brothers are in a barbershop quartet together. I remember us getting together and singing around the piano. I was in orchestra and musicals when I was younger. I think the biggest thing is that it gave us a sense of unity. It brings my family closer together. I also love soundtracks. Oftentimes they are so epic like Harry Potter or Star Wars. Music makes your heart soar."
Julianna Pace

"Music always brings up past memories. There's just some songs that whenever you listen to them you'll always think of the same experience, like a high school dance or something you did with your friends."
Beth Calderwood

"Music is easy to relate to, I can always find something that explains how I feel. It also affects my mood."
Tyler Shaw

"Hymns have honestly changed my life. Especially this year. Every time I go tunnel singing or the choir sings in Sacrament I cry every time because the spirit is so strong. Especially when we sing about Christ"
Cole Gardner

"Music can impact how I feel a lot. Through music (if it's good) I can feel the spirit easily. I am usually always listening to some type of music because it just makes me excited and happy"
Kara Barton

"I feel that certain, wholesome music is a form of worship that brings and helps me to feel the spirit while teaching gospel lessons"
Ben Harvey

"Music is a powerful memory making tool. Music can transport you to whatever memory you associate with it. It evokes emotions in all different levels. It's amazing how our emotions can change with a song. You can go from feeling sad to super excited."
Becki Blackner

"Music is one of the most important things in my life, it helps me to relieve frustrations, I mean there are no laws against abusing pianos, and it is just so large in my life, there aren't a whole lot of moments that music not being played around me"
Koa Fisher

"Music has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember. My parents and grandparents instilled the love of music in me as it filled our home and brought us together in so many different ways. I played the violin, viola, and piano when I was younger and I have continued to develop my piano skills as best I can. I also love to sing and have participated in choirs whenever I have the opportunity. I turn to music in all aspects of my life, whether I'm happy, upset, excited, sad, etc. Music is a powerful thing and I believe it can change people's lives. Music is especially powerful when it is accompanied with the spirit. I love the hymns and various church music we have access to. They definitely touch my spirit and strengthen my testimony when I listen. I am so grateful for the influence and presence of music in my life."
Greta Lybbert

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jump, Jive, an' Wail!

No one can pull off the jazzy, clean-cut look as well as BYU's male a capella group, Vocal Point.
I became familiar with Vocal Point when they competed on NBC's Sing Off. Such a fun show and definitely a favorite after watching American Idol for so many years. And it meant so much more because these guys were representing MY school! It's fun to make connections and to see them on campus occasionally. It's kind of like seeing a celebrity haha! I watched the show every week and always cheered them on. You could really tell that the whole audience loved them and they always did phenomenal performances. But above their musical abilities, they also stayed true to their faith and were an example to the millions of viewers across America. They didn't give in to the pressures of the media and were able to help share the gospel and the light that they have just by using their talents. That's really what this blog is all about and Vocal Point is the perfect example. There was an article in LDS Living about Vocal Point that I really suggest reading. It explains their experience while on the show and it's so cool to see how all their hard work really paid off even though they didn't end up winning the competition. Here's the link:
Last October, I had the opportunity to go to a Vocal Point performance during Parent's Weekend at BYU. I absolutely LOVED it! They are so amazing and really know how to put on a show. Each individual member contributes so much to the group and they all blend so well together. It was definitely a highlight of my semester. They sing so many great, wholesome songs and I look forward to all they do in the future as they continue to progress and be an example, to share with the rest of the world what we believe.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Not every song is a long song, but majority of songs talk about relationships or interactions with other people. I think it's just human nature and there's no denying that we are influenced by the people around us every day. I think I've said before that sometimes music says words we couldn't say ourselves and finds ways to express our deepest feelings. There is a universal need to be love and be loved. Music is all about emotion and to me, love is one of the greatest emotions we have. Time and time again, fabulous songs have been written and I know that both men and women alike rely on these love songs to define their relationships and share something with those they love.

Younger people might listen to something like Taylor Swift's Love Story, David Archuleta's Crush, David Guetta's Without You, or Bruno Mars' Just the Way You Are.

Older people to Natalie Cole's This Will Be (An Everlasting Love), Elvis' Love Me Tender, Frank Sinatra's The Way You Look Tonight, or Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You.

I also think that country artists write great love songs. A couple of my favorites include:
I Love You This Big - Adam Stanton
I Love You - Martina McBride
Love Like Crazy - Lee Brice
I Do (Cherish You) - Mark Wills
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw

Gotta love 'em! Love can change a life and I know there will continue to be great love songs written as long as time goes on.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Perfect Accompaniment

One of my favorite kinds of music is movie soundtracks. I said this once at EFY, and everyone just kinda looked at me funny. But I'm sure everyone has listened to movie soundtracks! Yes, some of them are only instrumental but that can always be nice too. I know I've already focused on Disney but those are some of the best ones!
Some of my favorites include:

Truly movies wouldn't be the same without the soundtracks and it provides so much good music to choose from! I'm sure some people don't think twice about the music but it has always been a highlight for me and I would encourage you to pay more attention to it too! You never know when you'll find something amazing :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Of course I'm talking about the Christmas season! Arguably the best songs out there are Christmas songs. Yes, we only listen to them once a year but everyone knows the words to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Silent Night. It's quite remarkable that one time of year can bring so many people together to celebrate, enjoy each other's company, serve those around us, and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I love everything about Christmastime and look forward to it constantly! However, I do wait to break out the tunes until after Thanksgiving. It's tempting but I truly believe that there is a season for everything and that they should not interfere with each other!

Christmas music can take on many forms. There are the songs that a great for teaching little kids, ones that are inspirational and stress the idea of giving, religious ones that emphasize Christ and the true meaning of Christmas, great songs for caroling, romantic Christmas ones, and funny, happy ones. I love that such a wide range of songs that encompass such a great topic!

Some of my favorites include:
Mary Did You Know?
Silver Bells
Angels We Have Hear on High
The Christmas Shoes

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Proud to be an American

The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 during the War of 1812. One interesting fact I learned was that it did not become our National Anthem until 1931, more than 100 years after it was written! The tune of the Star Spangled Banner was a popular British song by John Stafford Smith and has a range of one and a half octaves which makes it pretty difficult to sing.  I associate this song with sporting events. Before the start of every game, the song is sung, usually by someone who has a very talented voice. Out of respect, all spectators put their hand over their hearts and it's usually pretty quiet until the end when everyone cheers. I think it's so cool that we have a song to inspire nationalism and patriotism within our country. We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful place and I'm grateful for our forefathers and for all those today who give up so much to protect our freedom.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Carnegie Hall

Every musician dreams of playing at Carnegie Hall, the most prestigious venue in the world for both classical and popular music. As we walked by this beautiful place in New York City, my mom and I got tickets to see Joshua Bell. At the time I didn't know exactly who he was but I did know that he played the violin. I had never seen a professional violinist before and it was very exciting! At this time I had just started violin and absolutely loved it. We talked to this other girl and her mom which is where I learned what a "violin hickey" is. If you practice for hours and hours every day you get this dark spot right under your left jaw bone from your violin rubbing against your skin. It's a sign of a great violinist. I thoroughly enjoyed this concert and was fascinated how much he moved and was so lost in the music. Although I feel like I could never be that into it, I can still admire it from someone else.

Recently, I read this story...

On the morning of January 12 2007, Joshua Bell donned his Washington National’s baseball cap and grabbed his violin, and headed out to the Metro subway station L’Enfant Plaza in Washington DC. It is a pretty busy station, and he had hoped to play for a large crowd.  He opened his case and laid it as his feet, putting a few dollar bills in as “seed money”. A few thousand people must have passed by him in the 45 minutes that he played.
Only a few lingered to hear him perform 6 different pieces originally composed by Bach, including “Chaconne”, one of the composers’ most difficult works of art. The piece is written for a solo violin, and running time is 14 minutes.
Bell had played for over three minutes before a man paused and listened. If only for a second, however, as he quickly disappeared into the back into the rush, and on with his day. 30 seconds later, a woman threw a dollar into the case and moved on.  After a few more minutes someone actually stopped and listened for a few minutes. A crowd never gathered, and when he was done, he had a total of just over $32 for his work.  There was no applause, no one noticed when he stopped, aside from the few dollars, there was no recognition for the performance.
It is the kind of think that happens every day, all over the country and world. So why is this story unique? Before I answer that, think about this:
Would you have stopped and listened? Or would you have moved on with your day, you life, and your priorities? Do you recognize beauty and talent in an environment that is outside your expectations? Are you willing to stop and see the amazing things that are going on just outside your skin every day?
Joshua Bell played those 6 pieces at the subway station for a crowd that was smaller than the one that he had played two days earlier. At a sold out hall in Boston, people handed over more than $100 per ticket to watch the master violinist play. He played the pieces on his violin that is known as the “Gibson ex Huberman” (all Stradivari violin’s have names), and is valued at over 3.5 million dollars.
Some consider Joshua to be the finest musician in the world; his work is described as “doing nothing less than telling human beings why they bother to live”
I don’t know if I would have stayed and listened, and that is too bad.  If I walked past the finest musician in the world and didn’t stop to listen, what else am I missing every single day?

I think it's a valid point that we often don't pay attention to the things going on around us. We get so caught up in what we have to do, where we're going, and especially with all the technology we have around us, we forget to look outside ourselves. 

There is so much we can do to help others or enjoy the world that we live in if we just take some time to open our eyes and look. It can be so refreshing to take a step back and enjoy the simple things of life. We need to take advantage of once in a lifetime opportunities and notice such wonderful things like the greatest musician in the world playing in a subway station.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Viva La Vida Meets Love Story

One of my favorite modern composers is John Schmidt. He writes great music and recently he has been doing mashups. This one was one of his firsts and I instantly fell in love. He combines two of my favorite songs, Viva La Vida by Cold Play and Love Story by Taylor Swift!

If you enjoyed this one, check out the rest of "The Piano Guys"  songs out here

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm Singin' in the Rain...

What a glorious feeling I'm HAPPY again! :)

Such a delightful musical! I didn't know a lot about the show but when I saw it, I was surprised at how familiar I was with all the songs! It was fun to realize that I even knew some of the words from songs I had no idea where they came from. I'm really starting to love old, wholesome shows and this is definitely one of them! I saw Singin' in the Rain this summer at an outdoor theater and as usual, I loved it! It's so fun not to know a story and have the whole thing be a surprise! I think it allows you to be more involved in everything that's going on. When I think of Broadway, I often think of drama and love stories and that is definitely the theme in this musical. If you've never seen it, I would recommend it :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Well, as has been the theme throughout this Broadway journey, I have often grown up watching the movies before seeing the musical on the stage. I used to LOVE this movie as a child and looking back now, it kind of surprises me! That candy man is really frightening!
I had the opportunity to travel to London when I was 10 years old. One of the amazing things we did was go see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was phenomenal! So many great effects which made the story really come to life. I will never forget when the candy man was taken up into the air and as he was saying his lines, spit was spraying everywhere! Gross! Also, at the end, confetti came down over all of us! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Dreaming...

OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS! I haven't had very many white Christmases, but one can always keep dreaming :) This is a wonderful musical that is the perfect start to the Christmas season. I love all of the characters and the musical is quite humorous as well! In addition to watching the movie all the time when I was little, last December I went to see it live here at BYU. It was an amazing production and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I think my favorite song will always be "Sisters". It always reminds me of my sister who I love so much and am so close to! I think of her every time I hear it and once you listen to it, you won't be able to get it out of your head!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Defying Gravity

Have you ever wondered what happened before Dorothy came along? Enjoy one short day in the Emerald City and you'll know all about it! This is the story of Elphaba, a girl who was born green. Yes, she becomes the wicked which of the west. But she definitely didn't start out that way. Lessons about friendship, love, finding yourself, and being happy make for an unforgettable musical! The songs from Wicked are definitely some of my favorite Broadway tunes. I saw this musical in Seattle with my parents and my sister. Of course I absolutely loved it and hope I can see it again someday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jacob and Sons!

I find that the most effective way to teach bible stories is through music. It makes them a lot easier to understand and once you know the songs it's easy to remember the story. An example of this is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. As with many other musicals, I grew up watching the movie. And once again, I have all the words memorized. I've only seen this on stage once, a couple of years ago when my high school put it on. It's so fun and upbeat and I always enjoy reading this story in the bible! Especially because this story is important even today as it talks about what is to become the 12 tribes of Israel. Once again, Broadway delivers something amazing!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I think it would be so much fun to go to a masquerade. Everyone is a mystery and I'm sure it would be very entertaining to try and figure out who was who. Full of prima donnas, phantoms, love, and the theater, Phantom of the Opera is fantastic! I think this was the first professional musical I have seen. My parents, my sister, and I went to Seattle to see it when I was younger and it was amazing! We were pretty far back but at intermission, we moved forward and it was amazing how much better you could see just a few rows closer. Ever since I was little I can remember putting in the CD and listening the songs over and over, having all of them memorized soon enough. It's always fun to put a live story to the words though and I loved it! I've shared so many musical moments with my family and I'm so grateful for that! I also love this movie and dream of being Christine, or at least having her voice!

Friday, March 9, 2012

My Favorite Things

Yup, you guessed it; The Sound of Music. Such a classic and so wonderful! I'm a fan of anything that has Julie Andrews in it. She is amazing! I feel like a lot of musicals are stories that can be loved by people of all ages and Sound of Music is definitely one of them.

I have a special connection with Sound of Music because I was able to be Liesl in a Broadway Revue two years ago. It was fabulous and I loved every minute of it. It's fun to portray a character I can really connect with and who is close in age. Several people have told me I look like her which makes me think I am perfect for the role :)

Last summer, I went to an outdoor production of the musical. Outdoor theater is so much fun and especially with songs like Do Re Mi, you feel like you can be singing along right with the characters. In fact, they even invited us to do so. It was sunny and warm and we were sitting in nature. It was a blast!

Such a classic. I could never get tired of watching this movie and singing along!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

The motto of the French Revolution in 1792. The nationalism and love they felt for their country led them to give their lives for their freedom. Les Miserables is a love story placed right in the middle of the French Revolution. This is probably my favorite musical. With thrilling lyrics, dynamic characters, and heart wrenching scenes, watching Les Mis makes you feel like you right there beside them. I could never tire of listening to the songs! I've had the opportunity to see it twice. Once at my high school and the other at an outdoor theater. They were both fabulous and so professional! I also read the book last year and loved it! The detail added so much to the story and made me enjoy it even more. This year, a new edition of the movie comes out and I'm so excited! There are some of my favorite actors in it and it should be wonderful!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tale as Old as Time

Yup, you guessed it. Beauty and the Beast! I was 11 years old in New York City. It was such a fun family trip filled with so much sight-seeing and memorable events. One of which being a visit to Broadway!

At the time, I watched Disney Channel all the time and I thought Christy Carlson Romano was SO pretty. And guess what? She was playing Belle at the time! I was so excited and even got her autograph after the show. My dad pushed my small little self to the front to see her and I was so happy!

But back to the show...We were in the very back row but we could still see great! I love that about theaters. There's rarely ever a bad seat in the house. Although I don't remember a lot of the details, I know it was a great experience and one I will never forget!

One thing I've realized now is that the story is the same, but a lot of the songs are different from the Disney movie that I grew up watching.

Here's a couple I really enjoy!

I love fairy tales and this is definitely one of my favorites! I think I like it so much because it has such a great message about not judging people from the outside and really getting to know them. Also about protecting the ones you love and doing what's best for them. I also can connect with Belle because we both love to read! And the musical is french! I love the french culture and now that I've studied french, there are subtle details in the story that make more sense!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's No Business Like Show Business

The costumes, the scenery, the makeup, the props 
The audience that lifts you when you're down 

The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops 
The sheriff who escorts you out of town

The opening when your heart beats like a drum
The closing when the customers won't come 

There's no business like show business 
Like no business I know 
Everything about it is appealing 
Everything the traffic will allow 
No where could you have that happy feeling 
When you aren't stealing that extra bow 

There's no people like show people 
They smile when they are low 
Yesterday they told you you would not go far 
That night you opened and there you are 
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star 
Let's go on with the show 

The music, the spotlights, the people, the towns 
Your baggage with the labels pasted on 

There's no business like show business 
If you tell me it's so 
Traveling through the country is so thrilling 
Standing out in front on opening nights 
Smiling as you watch the benches filling 
And see your billing up there in lights 

There's no people like show people 
They smile when they are low 
Even with a turkey that you know will fold 
You may be stranded out in the cold 
Still you wouldn't trade it for a sack o' gold 
Let's go on with the show! 

Oh what perfect lyrics to describe Broadway! I love everything about it and wish i had endless amounts of money to go see all the great shows. Or I wish I lived in NYC where I could waltz through the streets of the theater. It would be a dream come true. The next few days on this blog I'm going to highlight some of my favorite musicals that I've seen on stage. So many wonderful lyrics, dancing, costumes, and effects. I come out of every production literally in awe. And being both a performer and a spectator, I have a different perspective which makes it so much more fun! As much as I love being on the stage, sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax, and enjoy a good show!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Single Spotlight

The stage is a magical place. It's a place where so many people, who all have different jobs, come together to create something spectacular.
In a musical:
-orchestra pit
-tech people

In an orchestra:

In a choir:

I LOVE being on the stage. There's something so special about it and it's a great feeling to know that people are out in the audience watching you, paying attention and appreciating your work. Ahh I live for this! I look forward to opportunities to be on the stage and bask in the wonderful atmosphere. So many amazing events take place on the stage and our world definitely wouldn't be the same without it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Touch of the Master's Hand

I love this song because it really shows our Heavenly Father's love for us and how he has the ability to help us reach our potential. We are nothing without Him and our Savior, Jesus Christ. If we come unto Him and follow His example we will be able to gain eternal life. I love having that knowledge and am so grateful that we don't have to go through this life alone.

Just like the old violin, there are so many people who feel lost and have gone through so much. They may go unnoticed by the rest of the world and may have lost hope. But there is one who always notices. He knows each of us personally and knows our thoughts, feelings, dreams, joys, disappoints, and sorrows. He loves us when it seems like no one else does. He gives us hope and purpose to our lives and as members of His church, we have that responsibility to let those who are struggling know of our loving Heavenly Father and help them restore that hope in their lives. I think that is the main purpose of missionary work and I look forward to serving a mission so I can share with others what I know and be an instrument in the Lord's hands.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Families Are Together Forever

As I've mentioned before, music is a blessing. I had the opportunity to play the violin at both of my grandpa's funerals. Now it's obviously not an event you look forward to, but I felt really lucky to be able to show my love for them through music.

About two years ago, the day after Christmas, my family drove down to Utah. It was so cold and snowy! A lot different from this winter. Apparently my Grandpa T loved the song, Meditation from Thais. There was a girl in his ward, an amazing violinist who went to Julliard, that he wanted to play it. However she couldn't make it so the day before the funeral, I practiced, practiced, practiced to get ready to play. I'm sure it wasn't as great as it could've been if I had more time, but I was grateful I had the chance to play it! When I returned home, I worked on it with my violin teacher and got to the point where it was easy to add emotion into it. Now it's one of my favorite songs too and it's nice that I can share that with my grandpa.

A year and a half ago, Grandpa Blackner passed away. I feel like our whole family became a lot closer during this time which was really cool. Since we live so close to grandma and grandpa, it was really hard on everyone. At his funeral, Jayme sang Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide which Aunt Kim and I accompanied her on the piano and violin. The Spirit was so strong during this song and at one point, my eyes got so teary I could barely see through to read the music.

I'm so grateful for my grandpas and for the influence they've had in my life. I know that I will see them again and I'm grateful for that knowledge. Sometimes words we don't say can be expressed through music and I'm glad I could show them in some small way how much I care.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm Wishing Upon a Star

Everyone has those secret things they wish they could be or things they could do. For me, that list is kind of long because I wish I could do everything! I'm always interested in trying new things and wish I could do everything I wanted do and be good at it! In regards to music, there are three things I have longed to do.
1) Play the harp
Such a beautiful instrument! It's not very common and I think that's one of the reasons why I want to learn how to play. It's unique. I feel like harp players are very elegant and reserved, and of course very talented. It would be such a joy to learn how to play, but harps are so expensive!
2) Play the guitar
I've never really learned how to read chords and I feel like with all my music experience, I should know how to do that. Learning to play the guitar would help a lot with that! When I think of myself as a guitar player, I think of Taylor Swift. And I love her, so it would be perfect :) Oh which reminds me that I should make it clear that I'm talking about acoustic guitars, not electric ones.
3) Be a ballerina
I've always dreamed of being a dancer and loved the elegance and grace of ballet. I've read many books about ballet and been fascinated by the hard work and determination that goes into it. They make it seem so easy! I would love to wear a leotard and a tutu and pointe shoes. Doesn't it seem wonderful?

These are just a few of my wishes. Who knows if they'll ever come true!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Musical Timeline

I've never learned a ton about the time periods in music, perhaps because I thought it would be a boring history lesson, or maybe because I never needed to know. But in this class we have touched on a few of them and I find it so interesting! I suppose because I'm older now and can appreciate it. Hopefully this will make sense for non-music people as well haha!

I don't know much about this time period but what is most familiar to me is the Gregorian chant that was used in the Christian church for many centuries. The music at this time is monophonic, which means that there is only one melody line without accompaniment.
Gregorian Chant

Renaissance means "new birth". During this time a lot was added to music. This included women, different instruments, polyphony; or different parts that interact together, harmony, syncopation. Music was still used a lot for worship which resulted in the invention of hymns and other forms of sacred music. Palestrina is said to be the greatest composer of this time period.
Sicut Cervus

BAROQUE 1600-1750 AD
The beginning of this period is designated by the invention of opera as a way to recapture ancient Greek music. The invention of the violin was followed by the development of purely instrumental music. Also many notation marks such as crescendos, dynamic markings, speed, key signature, and the circle of fifths. Three famous composers from this time were Vivaldi, Handel, and Bach. They all have such interesting lives and it's amazing to look at what inspired their writing and how they used their music to portray their feelings and emotions. I've had a lot of experience with each of these musical geniuses and thoroughly enjoy the work that they've produced. 
Bach Double
Vivaldi Spring
Handel's Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus

CLASSICAL 1750-1800 AD
Many people refer to all "boring" music as classical, but only the music written during this time is technically called classical, and it might just be my favorite. The most important new feature of classical music is the Sonata which consisted of usually four movements. The first movement, allegro, used the Sonata Allegro form which also had four parts. A) Exposition - Theme 1, Transition, Theme 2 B) Development C) Recapitulation - Theme 1, Transition, Theme 2 D) Coda. The second movement was adagio, the third minuet, and the fourth, allegro. Joseph Hadyn was a father figure to both Mozart and Beethoven. Mozart began composing before age 5 and performed on the piano often. Beethoven was very depressed and sad about his deafness which is illustrated in his 5th Symphony. It expresses both fate and hope. One of my favorites of Beethoven is Moonlight Sonata. 
The Magic Flute - Queen of the Night Aria
Moonlight Sonata
Beethoven's 5th Symphony

ROMANTIC 1800-1900 AD
The highlight of romantic music was the ability to communicate with the audience. Lots of huge full orchestras were used and once again, amazing composers. 
Chopin's Ballade No. 1 Op 23 in G Minor
Everyone knows Brahm's Lullaby!
And of course The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky

CONTEMPORARY 1900-present
The evolution has come about because all composers have influence on one another. You are probably all familiar with this era because it is taking place right now! Starting with jazz, moving to rock and roll, and Broadway shows. Great artists such as George Gershwin, Ella Fitzgerald, and Elvis. Timeless shows like Oklahoma, Singin' in the Rain, and Music Man. 
Claude Debussy's Claire de Lune
Rhapsody in Blue
Hound Dog

I find history so fascinating, especially when you look at something that has had such a profound impact on our society. It has changed so much but has never gone away and I don't think it ever will! I hope you're enjoying this musical journey and that you are learning a lot!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey Y'all!

Many genres of music have shaped our country and have had influence throughout the years. Today I would like to travel down to the South, the country capital of the world. 

Cowboys, Red Necks, and Southern Belles. It's seriously another culture down there. There are so many stereotypes associated with this region of the United States. Including cowboys, cornbread, sweet iced tea, red necks, guns, beer, horses, slavery, porches with rocking chairs, plantations, drawls, county fairs and... I think you get the point.

All of these and more are the inspiration behind the country music that guitar and cowboy hat artists create. Full of soul and down to earth feelings, country music is definitely one of a kind and something that most people can connect with at some point in their life or another. 

If I could sum up country music in three themes they would be:
1. Love
2. Tradition of the South (all of the above mentioned items)
3. Lifestyle (reactions to life, attitudes, personality, ways to live)

Although it was not my favorite at first, but I have learned to love it and appreciate it. I feel like that can happen with a lot of things in life. We can be so against something or refuse to give it a chance but when we take a closer look, we may find that we really enjoy something or that it's not as bad as we thought it was. I guess in a sense we often judge too quickly and are not open to change or trying new things. 

I can always find the perfect country song to express what I'm feeling. I've also had the chance to go to three country concerts and they have all been fabulous! Sometimes I worry that the songs won't be as good live but I have been proved wrong! They were amazing!
Carrie Underwood
Brad Paisley
Rascal Flatts
Three of my favorites! Someday I want to go to a Taylor Swift concert as well. One thing I find fascinating is that country artists are all different ages and it never goes out of style! I've heard my grandparents talk about listening to George Strait and he's still popular today! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

David Archuleta

Okay well let me start off by saying....what a cutie! But this blog is about music, not attractive young men haha! I first came into contact with David Archuleta on the beloved show American Idol. He was 16 years old at the time and I was extremely impressed with not only his musical talent, but also that he was mormon! It's always really exciting to me to see members of the church on TV or other such media because they often set such a great example for people and help others to understand more about our church. Although David didn't win that season, he still has become extremely popular and has three great albums!

After each season of American Idol, the top 10 go on tour around the country. My sister and I bought tickets the day of to go the the concert with two of our cousins. Let's just say it was an amazing experience! It was one of my first concerts and I loved every minute of it! The thing about David is that he is just so down to earth and can show his talent without being really crazy and trying to get attention. He also plays the piano and gave such a great performance that night!

My next encounter with David was at Stadium of Fire last summer. It was my third time at this show and I haven't once been disappointed. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday and this always seems like the perfect way to celebrate! He sang a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner which started out with a video of him singing it when he was a little kid. Precious! Later on in the show he performed some songs from his albums and I enjoyed singing along :)

Although I wasn't at this event, David sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir two years ago at their annual Christmas Concert. I heard it was an amazing performance and I can't wait to watch the DVD.

Of course I own all his albums, including his the songs he sang on American Idol and have majority of the lyrics memorized :) Except I'm going to miss hearing new music for the next two years because David has decided to serve a mission! I was so excited to hear this great news and am grateful for his example and his ability to keep his standards, do what he knows is right, and bless the lives of so many through his voice.

This is one of my favorite songs of his!