Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey Y'all!

Many genres of music have shaped our country and have had influence throughout the years. Today I would like to travel down to the South, the country capital of the world. 

Cowboys, Red Necks, and Southern Belles. It's seriously another culture down there. There are so many stereotypes associated with this region of the United States. Including cowboys, cornbread, sweet iced tea, red necks, guns, beer, horses, slavery, porches with rocking chairs, plantations, drawls, county fairs and... I think you get the point.

All of these and more are the inspiration behind the country music that guitar and cowboy hat artists create. Full of soul and down to earth feelings, country music is definitely one of a kind and something that most people can connect with at some point in their life or another. 

If I could sum up country music in three themes they would be:
1. Love
2. Tradition of the South (all of the above mentioned items)
3. Lifestyle (reactions to life, attitudes, personality, ways to live)

Although it was not my favorite at first, but I have learned to love it and appreciate it. I feel like that can happen with a lot of things in life. We can be so against something or refuse to give it a chance but when we take a closer look, we may find that we really enjoy something or that it's not as bad as we thought it was. I guess in a sense we often judge too quickly and are not open to change or trying new things. 

I can always find the perfect country song to express what I'm feeling. I've also had the chance to go to three country concerts and they have all been fabulous! Sometimes I worry that the songs won't be as good live but I have been proved wrong! They were amazing!
Carrie Underwood
Brad Paisley
Rascal Flatts
Three of my favorites! Someday I want to go to a Taylor Swift concert as well. One thing I find fascinating is that country artists are all different ages and it never goes out of style! I've heard my grandparents talk about listening to George Strait and he's still popular today! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

David Archuleta

Okay well let me start off by saying....what a cutie! But this blog is about music, not attractive young men haha! I first came into contact with David Archuleta on the beloved show American Idol. He was 16 years old at the time and I was extremely impressed with not only his musical talent, but also that he was mormon! It's always really exciting to me to see members of the church on TV or other such media because they often set such a great example for people and help others to understand more about our church. Although David didn't win that season, he still has become extremely popular and has three great albums!

After each season of American Idol, the top 10 go on tour around the country. My sister and I bought tickets the day of to go the the concert with two of our cousins. Let's just say it was an amazing experience! It was one of my first concerts and I loved every minute of it! The thing about David is that he is just so down to earth and can show his talent without being really crazy and trying to get attention. He also plays the piano and gave such a great performance that night!

My next encounter with David was at Stadium of Fire last summer. It was my third time at this show and I haven't once been disappointed. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday and this always seems like the perfect way to celebrate! He sang a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner which started out with a video of him singing it when he was a little kid. Precious! Later on in the show he performed some songs from his albums and I enjoyed singing along :)

Although I wasn't at this event, David sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir two years ago at their annual Christmas Concert. I heard it was an amazing performance and I can't wait to watch the DVD.

Of course I own all his albums, including his the songs he sang on American Idol and have majority of the lyrics memorized :) Except I'm going to miss hearing new music for the next two years because David has decided to serve a mission! I was so excited to hear this great news and am grateful for his example and his ability to keep his standards, do what he knows is right, and bless the lives of so many through his voice.

This is one of my favorite songs of his!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Requiem: any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the repose of the dead
Requiem Masses are a big part of the Catholic Church. All the seniors in my high school choir sang this song and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. It really captures the devastation of natural disasters and the trials that people face. When we performed the song, I made this slideshow to help illustrate the damage of the recent  disasters in Haiti, Joplin Missouri, and the East Coast. It's a really touching song and I hope you enjoy it!

To hear the song along with the video, right click the link below. Then click "open link in a new tab". Hit the play button on the video and it should all work out!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Am A Child of God

I think I've made it clear that music really speaks to me and through music, everything just makes sense. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest blessing in my life and I'm so grateful for it. Primary songs illustrate perfectly all the gospel truths that are so important. The lyrics are so simple, yet the message is so profound. Essentially my testimony can be formed from these songs and I'd like to share that with you.

I know my Father lives and loves me too. My life is a gift, my life has a plan. Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer every child's prayer? I wonder when He comes again. I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday. Families can be together forever. Faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow. Search, ponder, and pray. Choose the right way, and be happy! I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain. I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands. We are as the armies of Helaman. We have been taught in our youth. I hope they call me on a mission. I'm trying to be like Jesus, I'm following in His ways. Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too. I feel my Savior's love in all the world around me. I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world Heavenly Father created for me.

I don't even think I can pick a favorite. They are all so wonderful and perfect for little children to understand. It's never too early to start learning the gospel and all the Primary songs have such a sweet spirit that testifies of the truth.

Hakuna Matata

One of my most favorite kinds of music is...(drumroll please!) DISNEY!!! My life would not be the same without it. I know all the lyrics and never get tired of singing them! I've had the opportunity to go to Disneyland once and Disney World twice. They weren't kidding when they said it's the happiest place on earth! It makes you feel like a little kid and sometimes I think that is perfectly fine. The Disney composers are geniuses. With such wonderful rhythms and happy tunes, it's impossible to have a bad day while listening to Disney songs. It's such a wonderful world and you can learn so much from Disney songs.
The Lion King
Hakuna Matata - no worries!
the Circle of Life

Snow White
Heigh Heigh Ho! It's off to work we go!
Someday My Prince Will Come

Little Mermaid
Part of Your World - follow your dreams

Peter Pan
You Can Fly! (I wish!)

The Jungle Book
I Wanna Be Like You - how to have role models

Reflection - learn who we are and better ourselves

I firmly believe a childhood is not complete without Disney and it has such a huge impact on our society. While visiting Disney World, I was able to perform on a Disney stage, go to a workshop, and really understand what it's like to be a professional musician. Did you know that the music you hear in the movies is a first recording?! Yup, that's how amazing they are. They walk into the studio, practice for a couple minutes, and then record. That means you aren't allowed to make any mistakes! Talk about a lot of pressure. It's so cool to take a look behind the scenes and see how things are done in such a big production.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Throw Down A Beat!

An important part of music is rhythm. It is essential to keep the rhythm or else the song could end in disaster! I've learned to count really well and make sure I'm staying together with either the rest of the orchestra or choir or soloist. Rhythm and beats can sound really cool as well and there are groups that make music out of them! Beats are also useful when someone is rapping. Here's a group that I heard in elementary school called STOMP. They use random items such as garbage cans, brooms, and other things that most everyone has laying around the house to create music. They are pretty fun to watch!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Sidekick

Today I am going to talk about accompanying, which has been a huge part of my life the past couple of years. I've been told it's a blessing and that even some of the best piano players don't have the ability to be a great accompanist. And I believe it! It can be very difficult to not only focus on your part, but also on the soloist or group. You have to listen to them and follow what they are playing. You have to play more softly and remember that you are not the one that everyone is listening to. Your job is to help make the soloist sound the best they can be. To make it so easy that they don't have to worry about anything but their part. I know what it feels like to be on both sides of this and I'm grateful for that because it allows me to accompany better. I have had amazing experiences accompanying others. One of which was my job. I loved accompanying for all of Sister Gehring's string students. They were all younger than me so it was fun to see them all progress and to work with them often so that we would be more comfortable playing together. I really felt like they looked up to me and I loved being a good example for all of them. Accompanying can be very stressful but music wouldn't be the same without a challenge. Often there's too much music to learn, tricky page turns, big chords, losing your place, or struggling to stay with a performer that is playing too fast or forgets a part and skips to a random line in the music. I also accompanied several songs for my high school choir. Playing for 60 singers is a lot of fun, especially when everyone enjoys the song and appreciates what you do! I have accompanied choirs at many church events, and played for many performers at solo/ensemble contests, sometimes for several years in a row! I love it so much! I love the feeling of being a part of another person's success and being there for them to enhance their performance. Because I do accompany so much, I am often left without an accompanist, which helps me appreciate my job even more, because it's not as fun to play by yourself. I look forward to accompanying more in the future and finding more opportunities to use this somewhat rare gift.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Called to Serve

I love how music can always finds the perfect way to express thoughts and feelings. Being a freshman at BYU, one of the highlights of the year is all the young men receiving their mission calls. I've been so blessed to meet such amazing boys who have so many great things ahead of them. I'm excited for this great opportunity they have to serve the Lord and preach the gospel around the world. I love the song, In the Hollow of Thy Hand by Janice Kapp Perry. I feel like it really captures the essence of what missionary work is all about and the prayer I have in my heart for all of my friends. Music invites such a strong spirit and I think that it's a great asset when missionaries have music ability. So, as a mom, I'm going to make sure my boys can play the hymns so they will be able to serve in their wards or wherever their help is needed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Blessing of Service

As I've said before, I love sharing music with others. I've learned that you never know the impact you can make on someone's life and how much your efforts can be appreciated. Music has always been so natural for me and the opportunities I've been blessed with are indescribable. I've played for vast amounts of people in all different venues. I think that music not only affects the audience, but also the performers. I always feel so much joy when I perform and it gives me so much satisfaction to know that I've blessed someone just from making music. It may seem like such an insignificant thing, but to me, music has such a deeper meaning and it's influence has the power to change lives. I think this is because it connects to the soul. When you listen to music, you feel something. It can evoke so many emotions and cause marvelous outcomes. Serving in music can take many forms. It may be:
  • performing in a concert or recital
  • performing a musical
  • teaching lessons
  • singing a child to sleep
  • volunteering to play in a class
  • playing for loved ones
  • singing at a fireside
  • accompanying a soloist
  • writing music for others to use and enjoy
The possibilities are endless and even the smallest things can mean the world. The greatest thing about service is that it not only blesses the lives of those you serve but you can also benefit from the experience. I think it's important to be willing to serve and to seek out opportunities to truly make a difference.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blast to the Past

I've learned to appreciate history throughout my life. It's one thing we can learn from to improve our future. Looking back can also apply to music. In high school choir we sang a Japanese, Chinese, and Norwegian song. Yes, all the languages were difficult to learn and sometimes the songs we so over sung that they weren't very fun to sing anymore. One day, our teacher decided to explain to us why he chose those songs. I'm from Tacoma, Washington and my teacher loves to ride his bike around and just enjoy downtown and learn different stories about our city and what contributed to make it what it is today. He taught us about the Japanese internment camps, about Chinese immigrants that settled and kept their traditions. Norwegians who developed architecture. It was fascinating and gave a greater appreciation for the songs we were singing. We understood the purpose of them and gained insight to the melting pot of our own hometown. I've since realized how important it is to learn all you can about the songs that you perform whether it's singing or playing an instrument and how it can really have an impact on the attitude you have while you rehearse and as a result, can affect the outcome of the performance. I encourage all musicians to learn something about each and every song and see the difference it makes. I know that your love for music will increase and you will be a lot smarter!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Stand All Amazed

The musical production, Savior of the World, has had a huge impact in my life. I've seen it twice and performed in it twice. It's always the perfect start to the Christmas season and helps me remember the most important part, our Savior, Jesus Christ. With lines taken straight from the scriptures, it has helped me understand the New Testament so much better and allowed me to appreciate these sacred records.
From His birth...

to His resurrection...

We can learn so much from the Savior's life and the more we make Him a part of our lives, the happier we will be. I gained my testimony of the gospel from this musical. It has such a strong spirit and testifies of so many great truths. I strongly believe that the best way to worship is through music and I'm so grateful for such an amazing depiction of Jesus Christ that really allows every heart to be touched. Here is a video I found that illustrates the essence of the musical with lines from the musical, paintings of Christ, and one of the songs.

He is our Lord and Savior, the prophets testified of his birth, and He came to do the will of the Father. He is our greatest example and only through Him can we return to our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice and His love for each and every one of us. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Going Down Memory Lane

Is there that one song that whenever you listen to it, you always think of the same thing? I think it's really interesting how we associate different songs with situations we've been in, people we've met, or other memories we have. There are so many songs where I remember the exact place I heard them or why they mean something. Oftentimes it's something silly or memories made with friends but it still means something and that's remarkable what our memory can do. When you listen to a song, try and recognize the immediate association that comes to mind. It's kind of fun to reminisce! Here are some examples of songs that I have memories of.

Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles
I always think of the movie Parent Trap! It's playing when she's in the taxi after first getting to London.

We're All in This Together from High School Musical
Reminds me of our Multi-Stake Dance Festival a couple years ago. It was such an amazing experience and it was so much fun to do all different kinds of dances. I don't think I'll ever forget them and whenever any of the songs come on, I just want to get up and dance!

How Great Thou Art
I always think of the version that Carrie Underwood sings. It's absolutely gorgeous and after listening to it, this song became one of my favorite hymns.

I Love to See the Temple by Janice Kapp Perry
I really love the arrangement done by Paul Cardall. I heard it for the first time in the music program at EFY two years ago. It has been a favorite ever since and it brings me so much peace. I can't help but smile whenever I think about the time when I get to go to the temple someday.

Come to Jesus by Kenneth Cope
I had heard songs by Kenneth Cope throughout by life but they never stood out to me until I heard him sing at our stake dance festival. That was such an amazing experience and I love the message of this song.

Check Yes or No by George Strait
I first listened to this song on the beach in Seaside, Oregon. It was recommended by a friend and it kind of started my love of country music. I really disliked it before!

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith
This reminds me of countless stake dances. Slow songs are always a hit and if I wasn't dancing, my friends and I always enjoyed singing along :) It also reminds me of the Rockin' Roller Coaster in Disney World. Definitely one of my favorite rides!

Greased Lightning from Grease
Well first of all, the movie Grease. But also listening to the soundtrack all the time when I was little. One time my cousins and siblings made a dance to this song. It's kind of silly but I just remember thinking that dance was so awesome and being so proud of ourselves for making it up!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Bye Bye Bye!

From Elvis to NSYNC, over the last 4 or 5 decades, music and dancing has evolved so much! Some trends are so strange and I just wonder why they were so popular at the time but so of them have stuck! There are a lot of classics that I don't think will ever go out of style. I feel like we often take a look at the past to help define our future.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Technology has become a prominent part of our society and this can be both a blessing and a curse. One of the blessings though, is having good music at our fingertips. Although it would be cool to have live music everywhere you go, you can just listen to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in your living room. And you don't have to travel to Salt Lake City to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on a Sunday afternoon. Recorded music is so cool and really widens the audience that can enjoy music of all kinds. Itunes, ipods, ipads, computers, youtube, cd players, cell phones. You name it. If I hear a great song, it's so easy to just go home and look it up! I love that I have that capability and the chance it gives me to expand my music library. Throughout my music career, recordings have helped so much. If you listen to someone else playing your piece, it allows you to really focus on how to play certain parts and gives you inspiration for how to interpret the piece. Many of my teachers had us listen to recordings just to get a better feel for the piece. Technology even allows me to share my love of music with you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Easy as 1-2-3!

I'm sure everyone has those songs they love to listen to when they're sad, in love, feel like dancing, need to focus, want to relax, anything that they can connect with. I've said it before but music is such a powerful influence! I thought it would be interesting to look at the effects it has on our brains.

The Benefits of Music

  • reducing stress
  • makes you happy
  • alter your brain waves to elevate your mood
  • motivation
This is only if it's used correctly. Music can also dampen your mood if you have a playlist on shuffle and the messages are conflicting or if there is negative wording. I think it's also important to listen to uplifting music that has good, wholesome lyrics. There is a ton of music that does not accomplish this and can actually be quite vulgar, which would obviously have a negative affect.

Music can also increase your memory skills, boost your immune system, improve your performance skills, fight fatigue, and induce sleep. Those are all awesome results!

Take a look at your music choices and evaluate how they are affecting you. Make the changes if necessary and enjoy feeling great and making improvement in your life!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On To Victory Blue and White!

My entire closet is filled with blue and white apparel, the colors of both my high school and college. I have so many fond memories of sporting events. They are such an important part of my life. It's something I truly enjoy and it's always fun to be competitive and have pride in your school, especially when the teams are good! But what really makes the games so exciting is the music. I've learned that music is a powerful influence in this world and it has the ability to get you so pumped! It can get a crowd involved, initiate suspense, and emphasize good plays. And to celebrate...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Seeing More in Yourself

I firmly people that those who love to read are more educated and cultured. Reading is one of my favorite activities. You can find me curled up with a book any chance I get. I read many different kinds of books but some of the best are about topics that interest me, such as music. They often teach me things I've never thought of or even help me appreciate music so much more. Here's a couple that I've thought of...
The Musician's Daughter by Susanne Dunlap
This is a historical fiction novel that talks about a girl who tries to uncover the mystery of her father's death, a man who was mentored by Joseph Haydn.
The Piano Shop on the Left Bank by Thaddeus Carthart
A fictional story which focuses on the history of pianos and how they are made. This book really connects music to life and the impact that it can have.

"When you read a book, you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there was before"
I think this quote is so true. I really do learn more about myself when I read. I recognize things that I want to incorporate it my life, I write down quotes that have an impact on me, and give myself time to think and look at things from a different perspective.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Best of the Rest

Mrs. Wilkinson-Nelson was my middle school orchestra teacher. Orchestra was always a fun time because I was always ahead of the class from taking private lessons. My favorite memory of this class is the annual Fiddle Fest. It is our final concert of the year and we always have a t-shirt contest to wear on that night. Mrs. Wilkinson-Nelson is one of those people who loves her job and wants every student to be successful. 
Mr. Westgaard was my junior high and high school orchestra teacher. In the University Place School District, he is one of the most respected teachers. He is arguably the best conductor on the planet and puts so much time and energy into his job. I swear the man never gets any sleep! He dreams and breathes music. He is there for his students all the time and all his efforts really pay off. We never go to a competition without receive some kind of trophy, usually first place! We love to play for him and we probably take for granted what a great program we were in. Orchestra allowed me to have some of the best experiences throughout high school and I enjoyed every minute of it! 
My senior year of high school was filled with music! In addition to orchestra, I also decided to be in choir. Mr. D is a fabulous teacher as well and along with Mr. Westgaard had to control a class of over 60 students! Many of which don't have a lot of music experience. By the end of the year we accomplished great things and really came together. He took our learning seriously and was always teaching us about music and even took us on a retreat where we learned more and had the chance to work on our skills. He is interested in history and always found a way to connect our songs to something he found important. It was a great experience to be in an a'cappella choir and to learn singing parts instead of just the melody.

There are many other teachers who have had an impact on my life. 
Mrs. Flynn gave me the opportunity to accompany the middle school choir which was so much fun and was the start of my accompanying career!
Patrick and Jolee Watson put 110% into their productions and spent a lot of time supporting me and helping me improve my theater skills. They introduced me to projecting and choreography and all the ins and outs of the stage.
Mr. Bradley and Mr. Rine were always complimenting me on my talents and encouraging me to be involved in everything I could to live a music-filled life.
Mrs. Schroeder casted me in the school musical, Cinderella. This was my first school production and I loved every minute of it. I learned even more about the theater and about really putting yourself in your character's shoes and leaving yourself behind.
Mr. Rose asked me to play the piano for the band when we traveled to Orlando. I was so excited about this because I was able to participate in band, orchestra, and choir on this trip! It made me very busy but I felt like I was using my talents to the fullest and also had a ton of fun!

Throughout the years, I truly have been blessed with all the amazing people who have taught me and helped me be successful. They provided me with amazing opportunities and shaped who I am. I'm so grateful for teachers and the role they play in the lives of those they teach. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Down Another Road...

Becky Gehring  
I have loved the violin ever since I was little and after years of waiting, I finally had the opportunity to take lessons! I loved my first violin and was really sad when I grew out of it but I've learned to love my new one as well. The violin isn't like the piano where you can just play on any one. It's really difficult to play on a violin that's not yours. Because of my background in piano, the violin came pretty easily to me. Sister Gehring put so much effort into ensuring the success of each of her students. She even took lessons herself and spent all her spare time practicing so that she could better help us learn our pieces.  She encouraged me to follow my dreams and gave me practical lessons about life and music. Every goal was reachable as we took my progress one step at a time. Sister Gehring always found amazing opportunities for me to get experience performing. We had monthly group lessons with our peers and then yearly recitals for our family. She also gave me a job as an accompanist for these events which allowed to to be more involved with my music, earn some money, and provide more opportunities for me to use my skills at several church events and solo/ensemble contests. She was always interested in everything that was going on in my busy life and made everything seem so simple as I continued to work on my violin. We spent  a lot of time together throughout the years and I'm so grateful for the countless hours of service she gives to her students and making them feel confident in their skills and enjoy playing such a beautiful instrument.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Journey Continues

Heather Betteridge  
Although very different from Sister Williams, I had a great experience with Sister Betteridge as well. I was introduced to tons of different kinds of songs. There was always something fun and new to play at each lesson. She found duets for my sister and I to play, helped prepare me for playing in Sacrament meeting and other events, and always answered any questions I had. She was always open to doing new things and supported the interests of each individual student. Sister Betteridge also taught me to play the organ and conduct which helped me branch out and apply my skills to other areas. It allowed me to serve at many church activities. I'm grateful for all the knowledge I acquired, the opportunity to polish my skills, and the chance to have fun. Sister Betteridge also accompanied me when playing my violin several times and it was always nice to have someone who I was able to connect with and perform to the best of my ability.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Journey Begins...

Kathy Williams 
My first piano teacher. I was so excited that September day when I had my first lesson. Sister Williams taught me all the basics and as an eight year little girl, not knowing what the future would hold, I loved sitting at her grand piano and making a start at accomplishing my dreams. She taught me the importance of scales and perfection. Although it seemed mundane at times, I needed this foundation to be successful in the future. Practice was essential to learn the notes, the key signatures, the timing and the rhythm. I loved my lessons and looked forward to them every week. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Great Teacher Inspires

Throughout my music career I have had some of the best teachers. Each one has taught me lessons I will never forget and have always been the greatest support to me in addition to providing me with amazing opportunities. They truly have inspired me and have taught me what teaching is really all about. Their love for music is indescribable and it's so fun to learn from people whose lives revolve around such an art. Without them, I would not be where I am today. They have assisted in sharpening my skills, increasing my appreciation, helping me face challenges, and encourage me to be better. They all mean so much to me and I will forever be grateful for the lives they live and what they have done for me. I look forward to the day when I will be able to make such an impact on my own students. There are aspects of each teacher that I want to incorporate into my own style and help students truly understand what an amazing gift music is and the joy it can bring to your own life and those you share it with. Also how important hard work and dedication is and how if you find effective ways to practice and learn all you can about the music you're playing, nothing can stop you from being successful and accomplishing your goals. I thought this poem sums up all of my teachers very nicely.
NOT because I expect you to major in music.
NOT because I expect you to play or sing all your life.
NOT so you can relax or have fun.
BUT- So you will be human
So you will recognize beauty
So you will be sensitive
So you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world
So you will have something to cling to
So you will have more love, more compassion, more
gentleness, more
good…in short, more life.
Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?
Author Unknown

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

M&M Recital

About 6 years ago, my sister and I had been playing our instruments long enough that we had accumulated quite a repertoire of music. We thought it would be fun to show our friends and family what we had accomplished and decided to do our own recital. Mary and Mckenzie; the M&M's. We picked out some favorites encompassing the violin, flute, and piano and practiced, practiced, practiced! Our choices consisted of hymns, classical pieces, show tunes, and just all around fun songs! Our loving teachers helped us prepare and even participated in a couple of songs. Complete with a grand piano, programs, and refreshments (M&M's with our names on them and in our recital colors, aqua and lavender), it was a great event. Our wonderful mother helped so much to make it a success and we had so much support from our loved ones. It's something I will never forget. Even though we've grown older and haven't kept it all up as much, I always loved bringing music into our home and interacting through music with my siblings. I love sharing my musical talents with others and what made it better was doing it with my sister. We have always been close and I love her so much! One of my favorite things to do is play piano duets with her. It was definitely our signature thing while we were taking lessons.  This was the finale of our show...Enjoy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dance the Night Away!

Although it's a pleasure to make music, it's also fun to enjoy music! And the best place I can think of to enjoy modern music and live it up a little is a dance! Our society views dances as important and there are always plenty of opportunities to participate. Homecoming, Stake Dances, Hoedowns, Prom, Clubs, you name it. It's important to find dances that have uplifting atmospheres and when you do, it becomes the perfect time to meet new people! Everyone gets to go out on the dance floor, have a good time, and just do their thing. It's always fun to swing dance, line dance, and even slow dance with a good lookin' partner ;) The music definitely makes the dance and allows for many unforgettable nights.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sing Praises to His Name

Because I love music so much, one of my favorite parts of Sunday is singing hymns. They are simple, yet beautiful and often say everything that is in my heart. I'm grateful for the amazing composers who wrote the hymns and for Emma Smith who helped compile the first hymnbook. One of my favorite scriptures really illustrates how important hymns are...Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads". Even the titles express some of my deepest thoughts and feelings. For example:
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
I Need Thee Every Hour
How Great Thou Art
Choose the Right
Count Your Blessings
Families Can Be Together Forever
I Stand All Amazed
And so many more! I honestly don't think I could pick a favorite hymn. They are all so wonderful. They are written in parts for a congregation to sing, but as a musician I LOVE hymn arrangements. They are always the most beautiful songs to play and I always feel so much peace from playing them. There are gorgeous melodies that truly allow me to worship my Heavenly Father the best way I can.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Vieni a Volare

Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine by Eric Whitacre

I absolutely LOVE this song. It's quite complicated with lots of chords, tricky rhythms, and a little bit of Italian but as you can see in the video, it sounds amazing! Songs that tell stories are so much fun and really allow you to connect with the music and enjoy it more. I sang this song in choir my senior year of high school and because of its difficulty, the whole choir became unified and we were able to accomplish this feat!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Playing on the Heart Strings

You learn something new every day and ironically, today I had the opportunity to learn about the history of the violin. The violin was invented in the 1500's by Andrea Amati. Other families that played a role in the invention of the violin were the Stradivari's and the Guarneri's, all of which lived in Cremona, Italy. These are the best stringed instruments ever made and people pays thousands, sometimes even millions of dollars for them. Today in Cremona there is a museum that has many of these early instruments on display. Each and every day a man takes each instrument and plays it to prevent it from the sound being warped and to keep it in tune. Isn't that amazing? And throughout the streets of Cremona there are violin shops where you can walk in and watch the instruments being made. I thought this was absolutely fascinating and I definitely want to plan a trip to Italy soon!

As much as I love the piano, the violin also has a special place in my heart. I started playing about 9 years ago both in school and taking private lessons. I picked up on it really quick and I think it helped to have a background in piano because I was already able to read the notes. I almost made it through all 10 Suzuki books before I graduated and I definitely have some favorite pieces in those books. Throughout high school, I sacrificed taking other classes so that I could keep music a part of my everyday life and I'm so grateful that I did. I've had amazing opportunities in orchestra and come from one of the best high school orchestras in the nation. I love being just one part of the whole and seeing how it all fits together.

The violin is a difficult instrument, but I love it! You have complete control over every sound you make. The bow speed, the tone, the intonation, and the pitch. Stringed instruments have such a lovely sound and are so versatile. There are so many solo pieces available, as well as accompaniments for choirs, orchestral music both symphonies and chamber. It can range from classical to fiddling to soundtracks and so much more! Having a piano accompaniment adds so much to a solo violin and I had so many opportunities to perform at recitals and solo/ensemble contests.

Musicians have the ability to become so passionate about the music they create. I have often struggled with this as I play my violin but really all it comes down to is practice. Even practicing to the point where you have it memorized. This is extremely helpful because you don't have to focus on playing the right notes and think about what comes next. If a piece is memorized, the passion can come more easily. I think it also increases your confidence and allows you to relax.

You have to let go and stop thinking. Stop just playing notes and start making music. Let your heart take over and really express yourself. I want to get to this point someday and when I do, I will never want to stop playing!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ivory Keys with Black in Between

The piano. Probably one of my most favorite instruments of all time. I've been playing the piano since I was in 2nd grade, for about 11 years. And although that has been a significant amount of time in my life, pianos began WAY before then. The first piano was built in 1698 by Bartolomeo Cristofori. There were many keyboard instruments before this time, but Cristofori put the hammer and the strings together to make the instrument act as one, both soft and loud. Pianos have come a long way since then, but each piano regardless of shape or size has the same purpose; to create music. One of the best feelings in the world is to sit down, run your fingers over the keys, take a deep breath, and then let your heart take over the rest. Everything coming together in perfect harmony. 

I live for grand pianos. They are gorgeous and I WILL have one in my future home.
 I can just picture sitting down to play, teaching lessons, teaching my kids. There is nothing better than a home filled with music and I'm grateful I was able to bring that joyful spirit into my home countless times.

Pianos are also made for two! I will never forget those times when my sister and I played duets together. Such fun memories! The piano has been a staple in my life. It's always there, beckoning me. I long to have the time to just sit and play away for hours without a care in the world...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Creation of Music

Music is a powerful influence in this world and I strongly believe it is one of the greatest art forms. It can be very diverse and can serve many purposes. Music has been an extremely important part of my life. I'm so grateful I have been blessed with this talent and for the many opportunities it has provided me with throughout the course of my life and I look forward to the many experiences I'll have in the future. One of the things I enjoy the most about my music is the passion and emotions it invokes. Music allows me to escape from the world and just get caught up in my own thoughts and feelings; oftentimes expressing them without saying any words. It allows me to get out my anger, celebrate my happiness, and get through my sadness. Whether it's playing an instrument, singing, listening to the radio, going to a concert or musical, watching a video, or enjoying a dance, I truly feel complete joy and happiness. I've always been up for a challenge and my music has allowed me to try new things and see where it takes me. Throughout the ages, music has been created in many different time periods and genres. It's amazing to see new creations all the time that are available for us to enjoy. Join me on this journey as I express my greatest passion in life and help you understand why it makes me who I am today. I have come to realize that in order to be creative, you don't have to come up with something new. You can take what is given to you and use the inspiration to create something that is meaningful to you. I may not be a great composer or have the ability to perform all types of music, but it is my one love and the whole goal of this blog is to capture each and every part of music that speaks to me.