Friday, February 3, 2012

Playing on the Heart Strings

You learn something new every day and ironically, today I had the opportunity to learn about the history of the violin. The violin was invented in the 1500's by Andrea Amati. Other families that played a role in the invention of the violin were the Stradivari's and the Guarneri's, all of which lived in Cremona, Italy. These are the best stringed instruments ever made and people pays thousands, sometimes even millions of dollars for them. Today in Cremona there is a museum that has many of these early instruments on display. Each and every day a man takes each instrument and plays it to prevent it from the sound being warped and to keep it in tune. Isn't that amazing? And throughout the streets of Cremona there are violin shops where you can walk in and watch the instruments being made. I thought this was absolutely fascinating and I definitely want to plan a trip to Italy soon!

As much as I love the piano, the violin also has a special place in my heart. I started playing about 9 years ago both in school and taking private lessons. I picked up on it really quick and I think it helped to have a background in piano because I was already able to read the notes. I almost made it through all 10 Suzuki books before I graduated and I definitely have some favorite pieces in those books. Throughout high school, I sacrificed taking other classes so that I could keep music a part of my everyday life and I'm so grateful that I did. I've had amazing opportunities in orchestra and come from one of the best high school orchestras in the nation. I love being just one part of the whole and seeing how it all fits together.

The violin is a difficult instrument, but I love it! You have complete control over every sound you make. The bow speed, the tone, the intonation, and the pitch. Stringed instruments have such a lovely sound and are so versatile. There are so many solo pieces available, as well as accompaniments for choirs, orchestral music both symphonies and chamber. It can range from classical to fiddling to soundtracks and so much more! Having a piano accompaniment adds so much to a solo violin and I had so many opportunities to perform at recitals and solo/ensemble contests.

Musicians have the ability to become so passionate about the music they create. I have often struggled with this as I play my violin but really all it comes down to is practice. Even practicing to the point where you have it memorized. This is extremely helpful because you don't have to focus on playing the right notes and think about what comes next. If a piece is memorized, the passion can come more easily. I think it also increases your confidence and allows you to relax.

You have to let go and stop thinking. Stop just playing notes and start making music. Let your heart take over and really express yourself. I want to get to this point someday and when I do, I will never want to stop playing!

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